Best place for stainless steel water bottles and insulated water bottles. Buy reusable water bottles.

64 oz 1900 ml Klean Kanteen Wide Bottles now back in stock.

 by watersweet on 04 Dec 2013 |
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After a few months absence from our store the Big Brother Stainless Steel Water Bottle of the Klean Kanteen Range, the ever popular, Klean Kanteen 64 oz 1900 ml Wide Stainless Bottle,  have just arrived.  In time for some Christmas Shopping for a hot thirsty summer. These have been on Back Order for some time and it seems Klean Kanteen just cannont supply enough of them.

They fit neatly into the Fridge Door and can take nearly a 2 litre bottle of milk. They take water for a good days supply for a hot summers day out and about.



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